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In summer, the search for the perfect shape is a constant. The desire to present oneself in excellent shape is in fact shared by everyone, especially in view of the summer holidays. A balanced diet, training and a healthy and active lifestyle are undoubtedly essential. Some special ingredients, however, can give that extra help to drain, deflate and feel fully at ease in your body. Dead Sea salts are among the indispensable beauty allies for the summer. Let's discover together how the draining salts of the Dead Sea work and what their extraordinary properties are.

What are the benefits of Dead Sea salts on our body?

 How do Dead Sea draining salts work?

 In which products are they found?


What are the benefits of Dead Sea salts on our body?

Draining and anti-cellulite action

Dead Sea salts are able to act in a targeted way, counteracting the accumulation of fat in localized areas of our body. The action on these pads is draining and deflating and as a result of continuous use over time, a more harmonious and proportionate silhouette is obtained.

Stimulation of circulation

Another precious action of Dead Sea salts concerns the legs. In fact, thanks to their extraordinary properties, these salts are able to stimulate the reactivation of the microcirculation, helping to relieve the annoying sensation of swollen and heavy legs. The benefits of Dead Sea salts are also clearly visible in the reduction of small blemishes that can affect the legs, as in the case of small purple veins that form due to poor circulation.

Anti-inflammatory action

Dead Sea salt-based products or treatments are perfect to use immediately after a workout. Their action is in fact anti-fatigue and anti-inflammatory. This means that your legs will benefit from immediate relief and you will be able to prevent the onset of annoying post-workout cramps.

How do dead sea draining salts work?

We have seen what the main benefits of using treatments based on Dead Sea salts are, but how does this wonderful ingredient work? What is the mechanism of action that makes it possible to obtain extraordinary results on our body?


Dead Sea salts are particularly rich in magnesium and potassium. It is precisely these ingredients that give the salts their extraordinary detoxifying properties and an aggressive and targeted draining action. The mechanism of action underlying its operation is osmosis, a mechanism discovered over 100 years ago. Osmosis is based on a very simple principle: our cells are equipped with a semi-permeable membrane that allows them to release waste substances and introduce the nutrients and mineral salts they need inside themselves. The mineral salts present in bandages or other aesthetic products found on the market are therefore transferred inside the cells, where their concentration is lower. By encouraging the entry of mineral salts, the cells release liquids, thus helping to deflate and drain excess liquids.


The extraordinary properties of Dead Sea salts are nothing new, in fact it would seem that Cleopatra had seized the extraordinary opportunity represented by this important salt water basin, transforming it into her personal spa.


In which products are they found?

Dead Sea salts are often used, in combination with other ingredients such as caffeine or nettle extract, in targeted body treatments such as in the case of leg and belly bandages. In fact, the bandage creates a favorable environment for greater absorption of salts. The draining action is guaranteed.

Magic Saline

effective treatment against cellulite and water retention. The Dead Sea salts and nettle extract act on the firmness and tone of the skin, while the ivy extract and caffeine have a lipolytic action.


Discover Magic Saline

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