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Addio ai capelli crespi: 3 rimedi infallibili da provare subito

Addio ai capelli crespi: 3 rimedi infallibili da provare subito

I capelli crespi sono il cruccio di tantissime persone. Che si tratti di umidità, mancanza di idr...
Perché l’olio di semi di lino fa bene ai capelli?

Why is flaxseed oil good for hair?

Flaxseed oil is a real beauty elixir for hair. Rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins and miner...
Come idratare la pelle in inverno

How to hydrate your skin in winter

Winter is a difficult season for the skin. Colder temperatures and heated environments can lead ...
3 prodotti drenanti che funzionano per davvero

3 draining products that really work

Water retention is a skin blemish that affects many women, regardless of age or weight. It manif...
Il Kit skincare perfetto per ogni tipo di imperfezione

The perfect skincare kit for every type of imperfection

Skin with imperfections is often characterized by excessive production of sebum, which can lead ...
Segreti autunnali per ridurre la caduta dei capelli

Autumn secrets to reduce hair loss

Autumn is the season of hair loss, a natural phenomenon that occurs every year. In fact, in this ...
Perchè in autunno si perdono capelli?

Why do you lose hair in autumn?

Autumn is a transition season in which behind the return of blankets and warm clothes, lies a ver...
Acido salicilico: quante volte a settimana?

Salicylic acid: how many times a week?

Salicylic acid is one of the most popular and versatile ingredients when it comes to skincare. Wi...
Beauty routine post estate

Post-summer beauty routine

Summer is a wonderful time, full of sun, fun and outdoor adventures. But while we enjoy the warm ...
Come combattere l’adipe localizzato?

How to fight localized fat?

The accumulation of fat in some specific areas of the body is often influenced by a combination o...
Pelle secca gambe: cause e rimedi

Dry skin on legs: causes and remedies

Dry skin is a problem that affects many people, and the legs are often one of the areas most pro...
Lavare i capelli tutti i giorni: tutti i benefici del fieno greco

Wash your hair every day: all the benefits of fenugreek

Washing your hair is an essential part of our personal care routine. It makes us feel clean and ...
Pelle mista o grassa? La liquirizia è la soluzione che cercavi

Combination or oily skin? Licorice is the solution you were looking for

If you have combination or oily skin, you know how frustrating it can be to look for products and...
Abbronzatura perfetta: come l’olio di carota può migliorare e prolungare il tuo colorito

Perfect tan: How carrot oil can improve and prolong your complexion

Summer is finally here, and with it the opportunity to achieve a tanned and radiant complexion. H...
Ritenzione idrica gambe: cause e rimedi

Water retention in the legs: causes and remedies

Water retention is a common disorder that affects many people, especially women. One of the most ...
Lifting non chirurgico: come ottenerlo con le alghe marine

Non-surgical facelift: how to achieve it with seaweed

In recent years, research in the field of beauty and skin care has led to new developments and in...
Aloe Vera: benefici pelle

Aloe Vera: skin benefits

Aloe vera is a plant known for its numerous beneficial properties for the skin. For centuries, t...
Macadamia Skincare: la soluzione per una pelle del viso idratata e rigenerata

Macadamia Skincare: the solution for hydrated and regenerated facial skin

Skincare has become a crucial aspect of our daily beauty routine. In a world where we are constan...
Crema per pelle grassa: perchè sceglierla con carbone vegetale?

Cream for oily skin: why choose it with vegetable charcoal?

Skin care is one of the most common concerns for many people. Each skin type requires specific a...
Fico d’India siciliano: tutto quello che ti serve sapere per la tua pelle

Sicilian prickly pear: everything you need to know for your skin

Natural beauty is a universal desire, and we often look to expensive solutions or chemicals to a...
Scrub viso antirughe: quale scegliere e come utilizzarlo

Anti-wrinkle facial scrub: which one to choose and how to use it

The scrub is a product that has an exfoliating action and works by removing dead skin cells. Here's which one to choose and how to use it for an anti-aging action.
Come usare l’avocado per pelle e capelli

How to use avocado for skin and hair

Avocado is a versatile and delicious fruit, which can be used for different recipes in the kitch...
Maschera purificante: a cosa serve? Scopri l’azione dell’estratto di salice

Purifying mask: what is it for? Discover the action of willow extract

Have you ever heard of purifying face masks? You will surely have noticed the growing interest i...
Gambe leggere e toniche con lo zenzero

Light and toned legs with ginger

Ginger is a root native to Asia with multiple beneficial health properties, including reducing in...
Gambe toniche e idratate con l’alga corallina: scopri come può aiutarti

Toned and hydrated legs with coral algae: find out how it can help you

Coralline algae, also known as "Jania rubens", has multiple benefits for leg skin when used in c...
Effetto levigante e rassodante pueraria: ecco come funziona

Pueraria smoothing and firming effect: this is how it works

Pueraria is a climbing plant that grows in Asia, particularly China, and is known for its medici...
Gambe in forma grazie alla caffeina

Legs fit thanks to caffeine

The word caffeine immediately brings to mind that aroma of coffee that pervades our home every mo...
Mandorle: benefici per pelle e capelli

Almonds: benefits for skin and hair

Almonds are a versatile and healthy ingredient used in many cuisines and body care products. They...
Come si fa a minimizzare i pori dilatati?

How do you minimize enlarged pores?

Who doesn't want to have perfectly smooth and compact skin?! Minimizing pores can be a real chall...
A cosa fa bene l’ortica?

What is nettle good for?

Nettle, also known as Urtica dioica, is a plant used for centuries in traditional medicine for i...
Rimedi per pelle secca viso

Remedies for dry facial skin

Shea butter is a natural remedy, also widely used in cosmetic products. It is obtained from the n...
Pelle secca in inverno: ecco come può aiutarti l’avocado

Dry skin in winter: here's how avocado can help you

Avocado is a fruit much loved and appreciated by the new generations but also by the previous one...
Bendaggi ai sali del Mar Morto: tutti i benefici

Dead Sea salt bandages: all the benefits

Body treatments done directly in a beauty center can be very effective, but also very expensive....
Come eliminare smagliature e perdita di tono con l’edera

How to eliminate stretch marks and loss of tone with ivy

Not only an excellent idea for beautifying houses, walls and gardens, but also an extraordinary a...
Ecco come la gomma d’acacia riduce le rughe

This is how acacia gum reduces wrinkles

Acacia gum is an ingredient widely used in various sectors, from textiles to food, up to the cosm...
Arrossamento pelle: come contrastarlo con la calendula

Skin redness: how to combat it with calendula

If you suffer from skin that reddens easily, you're in the right place! Who has never noticed an...