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Grow your hair

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Growing short hair

It has happened to everyone at least once in their life that they have cut their hair and immediately afterwards felt a sense of regret for the choice they had just made. What to do in these cases to make your hair grow as quickly as possible ? In reality, there are small healthy habits that affect the health of the hair, as well as promoting faster lengthening. Obviously the results are not immediate, but just be consistent and these simple remedies will visibly help your hair return to how it was before.

Brush your hair every day

Avoid too stiff hairstyles

Massage the scalp

Drink lots of water

Escape stress

Use a specific shampoo

Grow your hair with 8 simple tips

Here are our top 8 tips for getting your hair to grow back faster:

Brush your hair every day

To boost circulation in the scalp, simply brush your hair daily, and you will get results equivalent to specific serums and masks.

Avoid too stiff hairstyles

Prefer soft elastics and leave your hair free as much as possible so as not to damage it and facilitate its growth.

Massage the scalp

Both when washing your hair and when relaxing, it is highly recommended to massage the scalp delicately and with small circular movements. This precaution stimulates both blood circulation and the activity of the follicles.

Drink lots of water

It may seem banal and obvious, but when your body is well hydrated, all parts of the body benefit, including your hair. By ensuring the right amount of water, your hair will be stronger and less prone to common damage such as breaking, drying or matting.

Escape stress

It is known that both mental and physical health are affected by stress. For this reason, trying to relax as much as possible is also optimal for the hair, since the more the production of cortisol (the stress hormone) in our body increases, the more our follicles will also suffer, which will limit their activity, thus lengthening the timing for the growth of our hair.

Use a specific shampoo

to develop your hair, you could for example take a look at our very valid EXPLOSIVE HAIR kit, which thanks to the concentration of caffeine and hyaluronic acid will make your hair stronger right from the scalp.

      Follow a healthy and balanced diet

      even regarding the food we eat, our hair can be affected or benefited from it. In fact, if you want to achieve healthy and strong hair, remember to consistently take proteins, vitamins and mineral salts.

        Use a restructuring mask

        at least once a week: you will notice that masks are a very valid aid for hair growth, and to remove any doubts you can tryRECOVERY HERO , ideal for giving strength and vitality to fragile and broken hair.

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