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Face, body and hair routine for spring

Routine viso, corpo e capelli per la primavera

With the arrival of spring, the skin of the face and body requires us to make important changes to adapt to the new needs related to spring. Even hair needs a new routine that follows the season with milder weather.

Before proceeding to illustrate the various tips related to the spring season and the face, body and hair, it is important to make a general reflection and premise, especially with regards to the skincare routine. If during 2021 the attention of all lovers of the world of beauty was aimed above all at preventing or soothing imperfections linked to masks worn even for several hours during the day, in 2022 the desire for normality inevitably leads us to take better care of our skin in view of the possibility of abandoning, even if only partially, the use of the mask.


During spring our skin has needs that can be summarized in two words:

regeneration and brightness.

After months spent mostly indoors with the windows often closed due to the cold and under artificial lights, our skin definitely needs to "get some air".

What is needed with the arrival of spring is first of all to regenerate the skin: gently exfoliate to remove the most superficial layer of the skin. Chemical (acids) or mechanical (scrub) exfoliation will help the skin regain its natural luminosity by bringing the younger layers of the skin to light.

The second activity to do to prepare your skin for spring is to change your face cream and choose a lighter and more delicate one. In fact, during spring our skin begins to produce more sebum, transforming into something more "naturally" hydrated. This means that if we used the same rich cream that we use during the winter, within a few hours we would find ourselves with particularly greasy and shiny skin. Light, hydrating and illuminating creams are, in short, the right choice for spring.


After a winter spent with every centimeter of the body covered by clothing, in spring, thanks to the milder temperatures, we begin to discover a little more. This is why it is important to remember to apply a moisturizing body cream.

In fact, contrary to what was said for the face, for the body it is better to choose slightly thicker products to deeply hydrate arms and legs which are more easily affected by the cold during the winter.

So go ahead for creams, butters and hydrating oils. It's also the right time to start using products that stimulate natural tanning. In this way we will not only prepare ourselves adequately for spring but also for summer.



As regards hair, it must be kept in mind that in the long months of forced closures and lockdowns, many people did not frequent hair salons (partly by their own will and partly by compulsion).

All this means only one thing: scruffy hair, often disheveled and messy heads and little attention to one's hair.

furthermore, the often humid climate and the smog of the city have transformed the heads of many people into unmanageable hair.


Let's therefore take advantage of a milder climate to give our hair a break and take a break from straighteners and curling irons. We try to make hydrating compresses and keep our hair natural. There are various techniques that can be used for a natural but effective "fold". For example, braids are an excellent solution for obtaining natural "beach" waves.

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