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Homemade body scrub

Scrub corpo fatto in casa

Have you ever wanted glowing, soft and renewed skin without expense? The solution could be right in your kitchen! Preparing a homemade body scrub is a perfect way to pamper yourself and take care of your skin in a natural and effective way. Read on to find out how to prepare a simple but super effective homemade body scrub and find out how to best use it.

The benefits of homemade body scrub

Homemade body scrub: easy ready-to-use recipe

Tips for perfect use of homemade body scrub

The Benefits of Homemade Body Scrub

Homemade body scrub offers a number of benefits that go beyond simply exfoliating the skin. Here are some of the main benefits:

Better absorption of bodycare products : After exfoliating, your skincare products, such as moisturizers and oils, will be absorbed better, since they won't have to pass through a layer of dead cells.

Circulation Stimulation : Massaging the scrub into your skin helps stimulate blood circulation, contributing to better skin health overall.

Cleansing clogged pores : The exfoliating action helps prevent clogged pores and the onset of acne, promoting cleaner skin free from impurities.

Homemade body scrub: easy ready-to-use recipe

Here is a simple recipe to prepare your homemade body scrub:

 Ingredients :

  • Brown sugar or sea salt (1 cup)
  • Coconut oil or olive oil (half cup)
  • Favorite essential oil (10-15 drops, optional)


Steps :

  1. In a bowl, mix brown sugar or sea salt with coconut or olive oil.
  2. Add your chosen essential oil to add a pleasant fragrance and beneficial properties to the skin. Common choices include lavender for relaxation or citrus for energy.
  3. Mix all the ingredients well until you obtain a uniform consistency.
  4. With damp hands, gently massage the scrub into damp skin using circular motions. Focus on the driest or roughest areas.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and dry by gently patting the skin with a towel.

Tips for perfect use of body scrub

Here are some tips that will help you get great results with your homemade body scrub.

Choose ingredients carefully : In addition to the basic ingredients, you can customize your scrub by adding ingredients such as honey (for its antibacterial property), oatmeal (to calm sensitive skin) or yogurt (for extra hydration).

Frequency : Exfoliate your skin once or twice a week to avoid irritating it. Facial skin is more delicate, so opt for a more gentle scrub or exfoliate less frequently.

Hygiene : Store your scrub in an airtight jar, in a cool, dry place to keep it intact and free of contamination.

Avoid sensitive areas : Avoid using the scrub on the delicate area around the eyes and on cuts, open wounds or irritated areas of the skin.

After Scrub : After exfoliating, apply a moisturizer to seal in moisture and nourish your skin.


Taking care of your skin has never been so rewarding and economical. With a homemade body scrub, you can enjoy the benefits of natural ingredients and a spa treatment right in your shower. Experiment with different combinations of ingredients to find the one that works best for you and give your skin the love and attention it deserves.

Short on time but don't want to give up natural ingredients and a super effective treatment?

Try Crystals butter , a super smoothing and nourishing body scrub with mineral crystals and vegetable oils

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