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Second skin effect: how to create a light and moisturizing base

Effetto seconda pelle: come creare una base leggera e idratante

As the warmer temperatures approach, it is necessary to introduce small precautions in your daily skincare routine.

If in the middle of winter it is advisable to use very dense products, with great moisturizing capacities and able to protect your skin from low temperatures, with the arrival of spring your habits will have to change.

In fact, the heat will make any product perceive on our skin as annoying and too heavy. When it comes to makeup, the situation becomes even more critical.
The golden rule is to choose products with light formulations and to be stratified so that the make-up structure holds up without being excessively heavy.

So here are our tips for creating a light but still perfect and moisturizing make-up base.


It all starts at night

In fact, the night is the perfect time to deeply hydrate our skin. At night the skin rests and the activity of the blood flow increases to promote regeneration.

This allows it to get rid of toxins and all impurities accumulated during the day.

It is therefore during the hours of sleep that it is essential to moisturize the skin for a deep action. For this reason, the night cream is richer and denser than a day cream, since in a state of rest the epidermis is more receptive and is able to properly absorb and assimilate the active ingredients present in higher concentrations.

So don't forget to apply one night cream before bed in order to enjoy all its benefits.
In fact, the next morning the skin will be fresh, supple, hydrated, radiant and ready for a light and moisturizing make-up base just enough.


Moisturizing cream, but one that is light

After deeply moisturizing it overnight, our skin will already have a good level of hydration. Despite this, however, it is essential not to let your guard down.

The stress to which it will be subjected throughout the day, in fact, requires a further hydration phase. In this case, precisely by virtue of the super moisturizing treatment carried out during sleep, it is recommended to use a moisturizing day cream, yes, but light.

In this way, in fact, our face will be covered with a layer of product that will still allow our skin to breathe and react correctly to higher external temperatures.


BBCream instead of foundation

After applying a light moisturizer, it's time to apply the real make-up base. It is important not to fall into the mistake of using a dense, super-covering foundation that prevents our skin from breathing as needed.

That is why, instead of a foundation, when the temperatures rise, it is always recommended to use something less heavy, such as a BBCream. And if the latter also guarantees sun protection like ours BBIOME SPF30, you have reached perfection!

If you follow these three simple tips you can get a natural, moisturizing and ideal makeup base for when the temperatures start to rise.

Read other tips for the correct makeup base for each skin type here.

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