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Leg swelling: remedies and causes

Gonfiore alle gambe: rimedi e cause

It is easy to understand if you suffer from swollen legs: the lower limbs are visibly swollen and concomitantly there may be widespread pain and/or persistent tingling.

The most common cause of swollen legs is the famous water retention , i.e. an accumulation of fluids in the body, but it is a not uncommon discomfort that can be counteracted with a little attention.

Remedies for leg swelling

When to see a doctor

Remedies for leg swelling

Improvements in deflating the legs can be obtained from small daily behaviors. If you take care of your legs, you in turn take care of the causes of this annoying and uncomfortable situation. Here are some very simple but valid examples that we can rely on:

  • walk for at least half an hour a day, if possible at a fast pace: it helps to lower blood pressure, control the risk of type 2 diabetes, keep weight within desirable limits;
  • follow a healthy diet, preferring vegetables and fruit, foods rich in potassium, and avoiding fatty and especially salty foods: eating healthy helps prevent and treat many chronic diseases such as obesity and overweight, arterial hypertension, heart diseases the cardiovascular system, metabolic diseases, type 2 diabetes, some forms of tumors;
  • prefer shoes with low soles and avoid high heels: the higher the heel, the greater the likelihood of muscular imbalances occurring while walking, causing the joints of the feet and leg muscles to be overloaded with work;
  • when you go to sleep or lie down on your back, place a pillow under your legs: it reduces stress on the joints, aligns the posture of the spine, especially the lumbar one, releases compression on the hips and knees, eliminates pain in the lumbar area ;
  • use elastic stockings with graduated compression, which help reabsorb stagnant liquids and reactivate blood circulation: they ensure good oxygenation of the muscles, avoid retention of liquids in the lower limbs and reduce swelling in the legs.

Further help is certainly MAGIC SALINE , our draining pants!

When to see a doctor

As already mentioned, the problem of swollen legs is very common, but a medical consultation is necessary if the following symptoms arise:

  • presence of redness/warmth to the touch;
  • fever/chills;
  • sudden and particularly painful swelling;
  • unilateral swelling (a single leg/foot/ankle) without an obvious cause, such as an injury, or pregnancy.

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