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Face wrinkles: grandmother's remedies

Rughe viso: i rimedi della nonna

A symbol of wisdom and of the passing of time, wrinkles have always been  a blemish that we try to fight in every way.

Although wrinkles are a natural and physiological sign, they certainly also represent a problem for our self-esteem, as they deal with the passing of time.

But is there any way to counter them?

Aesthetic medicine has in fact made great strides in this area, offering more and more minimally invasive solutions for rejuvenation, which however are not always cheap.

Fortunately, against the signs of aging, in addition to using the right active ingredients present in the most professional creams, there are also excellent natural remedies, very cheap and with good effectiveness.

Against wrinkles in the forehead and around the eyes, the first to appear as a result of our facial expressions, there are simple and natural methods that are able to slow down skin aging.


Facial wrinkles, remedy 1: The lifestyle

The very first remedy is also the most effective: a healthy lifestyle.

Having healthy habits during everyday life, in fact, brings benefits that are often underestimated when it comes to skin.

If we don't drink enough, so as to hydrate the skin, and don't take care of the diet with foods rich in fruits, vegetables and fiber, and what's more we also have the habit of smoking or drinking alcohol, there is no wrinkle cream that holds , however expensive this may be.

In fact, good hydration is essential for maintaining skin elasticity over time, as well as taking the right doses of nutrients from the food we eat will ensure greater well-being of our body and our skin.


Facial wrinkles, remedy 2: Egg whites

An excellent natural remedy, at almost no cost, stolen from the most classic "grandmother's remedies", are egg whites, rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins. Ideal for a toning and rejuvenating effect especially for the area around the eyes and forehead.

Just brush a little egg white where we see the classic expression lines and wait a few minutes after drying, before washing off.


Facial wrinkles, remedy 3: Extra-virgin olive oil

Our grandmothers, who did not know the power of argan or rosehip oil, widely used today to nourish and smooth the skin, relied on extra virgin olive oil, a very natural anti-aging product that was easily found in home.

Emollient, antioxidant and nourishing, it was often used against cracking and drying caused by the sun and cold. A pleasant "side effect" of olive oil was that the skin was elasticized, softened and even firmed.

After all, even the iconic Sophia Loren has never made any secret that the beauty of her skin was helped by massages in critical areas with a few drops of extra virgin olive oil morning and evening.


Facial wrinkles, remedy 4: Yogurt, brewer's yeast and apple

Two perfect ingredients to make one natural anti-wrinkle mask ideal.

In half a glass of organic plain yogurt, pour one tablespoon of powdered brewer's yeast and one of fresh apple juice. Mix everything for a few moments and when you get a homogeneous mixture you will have your perfect do-it-yourself mask against mature, tired, dull and wrinkled skin. Thanks to the properties of yogurt, vitamin B and the ribonucleic acid of brewer's yeast, and the enzymes present in the apple, this mask gives a considerable vital contribution to the epidermis.


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