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Mask skincare: how to take care of the skin

Skincare da mascherina: come prendersi cura della pelle

Due to the use of the mask, more and more people complain of the appearance of blemishes and pimples on the face. The mask alters the entire ecosystem of the skin: it is therefore necessary to follow a specific skincare for this period.

Do you feel like you are full of pimples and blemishes on your face? Don't worry, you're not eating too much chocolate.

The use of the mask has been central in the fight against Covid19 but now, after more than a year of pandemic, some annoying side effects are starting to appear.

First of all, the appearance of pimples, blackheads and other imperfections on the face.

The aggravation of acne can also lead to itching and redness of the areas most affected and hidden by the mask: chin, cheeks, lips and nose.

Fortunately, this is a problem that can be solved with a few small tricks and above all with the introduction of a correct skincare routine.

Why do many imperfections appear on the face with the mask?

The mask accumulates the humidity that is generated by the nose and mouth when we breathe and speak through it: the moist fabric, being in direct contact with the skin, causes occlusion of the pores, leading to a considerable accumulation of sebum and not allowing perspiration of cells.

This causes the formation of blackheads, pimples and other impurities and imperfections on our face: to all this is added the presence of germs and pollution, which aggravate the health of the skin and cause redness on the skin.

The perfect mask skincare

Mask acne is not an irreversible problem: indeed it is possible to prevent it thanks to some simple measures that we can adopt independently.

Before putting on the mask is good to carry out a normal skincare using some basic products such as toner, cleanser and moisturizer.

As for specific skin care products (for example, acne products), they can be applied in the evening, before going to bed.

In fact, most of the anti cosmetics-blemishes dry out impurities on the face by exfoliating the skin and reducing sebum production.

Using the mask simply tends to accumulate imperfections on the fabric itself rather than eliminating them, causing redness and worsening acne.

Furthermore, the products must always be delicate: soothing and dermatological cosmetics are recommended repairers i against imperfections and antioxidant and moisturizing products against irritation.

Furthermore, the importance of a good mask or scrub should not be underestimated: through a deep cleansing, all impurities are expelled from our skin, greatly improving its well-being.

Finally, there are further measures to be taken in the fight against acne that will improve skin health such as, for example, allowing yourself some sun on your face when there are no other people nearby (in compliance with the rules against the spread of Covid) and, above all, try to sleep at least 8 hours a night.

Make-up can also promote the onset of mask acne: it is therefore advisable to minimize the use of concealers, primers and foundations because they cause pores to clog, further preventing the skin from breathing.

Furthermore, it is advisable to replace the lipstick with a neutral cocoa butter, since the lips are in contact with the mask and need to be continuously hydrated.

Concilium products, thanks to their moisturizing and protective principles, can be a valuable aid against mask acne. Try it yourself!

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