3 secrets for cleaner hair for longer

Sun, sweat and humidity are the enemies of clean hair.
If we also combine all this with the sea or walks in the mountains or in the city, it is immediately clear that the situation for our hair can only be critical.
If you too are tired of carving out much of your time to wash your hair every day, this is the right place for you.
Here are 3 tips that will help you keep your hair clean for longer!
1. Secret to longer-lasting clean hair number 1: hands off!
Especially when temperatures rise significantly, during the day we generally tend to touch our hair much more: we move it to one side and then to the other, we collect it and then we let it down and so on. Well, we must remember that our hands continually come into contact with surfaces and objects that are not perfectly clean and clean. In this way, our hands also get dirty easily and everything that our hands "pick up" is then transferred to our hair at the first touch.
The first secret is therefore as simple to say as it is little to put into practice: keep your hands off your hair! Trying to touch them as little as possible is the right choice to avoid the formation of any type of premature dirt.
2. Secret to longer clean hair number 2: keep your hair up
Sweat doesn't help your hair. Our skin tends to sweat with high temperatures and training. Sweat, as we well know, dirties the hair and requires immediate washing to get rid of the dirt and unpleasant odors associated with it. The part of our hair that is most affected by sweat is above all the one that is under all the other hair, in contact with our shoulders or our neck. A simple secret or trick to put into practice when you are afraid of dirtying your hair with your own sweat is to opt for an updo.
So go ahead for high chignons, side braids and half-tails. This simple solution, in addition to guaranteeing clean hair for longer, also gives a pleasant sensation of... immediate freshness!
3. Secret to longer-lasting clean hair number 3: choose period-appropriate products
Just as we change skincare products when the summer period approaches, in the same way it is necessary to opt for different hair products for the same period of the year. Masks, balms and other particularly nourishing hydrating products should in fact be chosen with caution. Although these are very useful products for hydrating the hair, the risk of weighing it down excessively is just around the corner. We therefore opt for light and hydrating oils to be applied only and exclusively on the lengths. We abandon particularly buttery masks and balms and choose hydrating but light textures.
So don't forget about your lengths too, change the products according to the season and your hair will thank you by offering you a longer-lasting clean sensation over time!