Scrub fai da te gambe in pochi step
Se desideri gambe lisce, morbide e luminose, perché non provare uno scrub fai da te che non solo ...
Crema per pelle sensibile e impura: 3 consigli per scegliere quella giusta
Se hai la pelle sensibile e impura, probabilmente ti sarai trovato ad affrontare una serie di dom...
Esercizi e prodotti per gambe toniche
Chi non ha mai sognato gambe toniche, leggere e dall’aspetto sano? Questo obiettivo non è riserva...
Wishlist Natale: ecco come crearne una perfetta
Ti è mai capitato di avere mille idee su cosa vorresti ricevere, ma poi, quando qualcuno ti chied...
Come realizzare un makeup no makeup
Il "makeup no makeup" è una tendenza di trucco che mira a valorizzare i tratti naturali del viso,...
L’acqua micellare va risciacquata? Risposte ai dubbi più comuni sulla skincare
La skincare è un argomento sempre più discusso e ricco di dubbi. Tra i vari prodotti che hanno co...
Pelle secca: cause e rimedi efficaci
La pelle secca è una condizione comune che colpisce molte persone, manifestandosi con sintomi fas...
Capelli sfibrati: cause e consigli utili per renderli più forti
I capelli sfibrati possono davvero metterci alla prova. Ti sarà capitato di guardarli allo specch...
Capelli sporchi dopo due giorni: ecco cosa fare
Capelli sporchi già dopo due giorni? Non preoccuparti, non sei la sola!
A chi non è capitato di ...
The beneficial effects of lemon for the skin
Lemon extract is one of the most loved ingredients in the world of cosmetics, and it's not diffi...
How to hydrate your skin in winter
Winter is a difficult season for the skin. Colder temperatures and heated environments can lead ...
3 draining products that really work
Water retention is a skin blemish that affects many women, regardless of age or weight. It manif...
The perfect skincare kit for every type of imperfection
Skin with imperfections is often characterized by excessive production of sebum, which can lead ...
Autumn secrets to reduce hair loss
Autumn is the season of hair loss, a natural phenomenon that occurs every year. In fact, in this ...
Why do you lose hair in autumn?
Autumn is a transition season in which behind the return of blankets and warm clothes, lies a ver...
Salicylic acid: how many times a week?
Salicylic acid is one of the most popular and versatile ingredients when it comes to skincare. Wi...
Post-summer beauty routine
Summer is a wonderful time, full of sun, fun and outdoor adventures. But while we enjoy the warm ...
How to fight localized fat?
The accumulation of fat in some specific areas of the body is often influenced by a combination o...
Dry skin on legs: causes and remedies
Dry skin is a problem that affects many people, and the legs are often one of the areas most pro...
Wash your hair every day: all the benefits of fenugreek
Washing your hair is an essential part of our personal care routine. It makes us feel clean and ...
Combination or oily skin? Licorice is the solution you were looking for
If you have combination or oily skin, you know how frustrating it can be to look for products and...
Perfect tan: How carrot oil can improve and prolong your complexion
Summer is finally here, and with it the opportunity to achieve a tanned and radiant complexion. H...
Water retention in the legs: causes and remedies
Water retention is a common disorder that affects many people, especially women. One of the most ...
Non-surgical facelift: how to achieve it with seaweed
In recent years, research in the field of beauty and skin care has led to new developments and in...
Aloe Vera: skin benefits
Aloe vera is a plant known for its numerous beneficial properties for the skin. For centuries, t...
Macadamia Skincare: the solution for hydrated and regenerated facial skin
Skincare has become a crucial aspect of our daily beauty routine. In a world where we are constan...
Cream for oily skin: why choose it with vegetable charcoal?
Skin care is one of the most common concerns for many people. Each skin type requires specific a...
Sicilian prickly pear: everything you need to know for your skin
Natural beauty is a universal desire, and we often look to expensive solutions or chemicals to a...
Anti-wrinkle facial scrub: which one to choose and how to use it
The scrub is a product that has an exfoliating action and works by removing dead skin cells. Here's which one to choose and how to use it for an anti-aging action.
How to use avocado for skin and hair
Avocado is a versatile and delicious fruit, which can be used for different recipes in the kitch...
Purifying mask: what is it for? Discover the action of willow extract
Have you ever heard of purifying face masks? You will surely have noticed the growing interest i...
Light and toned legs with ginger
Ginger is a root native to Asia with multiple beneficial health properties, including reducing in...
Toned and hydrated legs with coral algae: find out how it can help you
Coralline algae, also known as "Jania rubens", has multiple benefits for leg skin when used in c...
Pueraria smoothing and firming effect: this is how it works
Pueraria is a climbing plant that grows in Asia, particularly China, and is known for its medici...
Legs fit thanks to caffeine
The word caffeine immediately brings to mind that aroma of coffee that pervades our home every mo...
How do you minimize enlarged pores?
Who doesn't want to have perfectly smooth and compact skin?! Minimizing pores can be a real chall...