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How does skincare change in winter?

Come cambia la skincare in inverno?

During the winter, the skin is put to the test by low temperatures and by the sudden change in temperature that occurs during the transition from the cold and humid external environment to the warm domestic one. Faced with these complicated atmospheric conditions, the skin can tend to react in two different ways: it can become particularly dry or produce excess sebum as a self-defense mechanism.

Regardless of the specific situation of each person, what the skin requires of us in any case in winter is a change in skincare routine. In general, this change, to be effective, should include the inclusion of some products with protective and repairing functions.


Going to sleep every night with perfectly clean skin is important, but let's not forget that deep cleansing does not match the aggressiveness of the products. As we said earlier, especially in winter, in order for our skin to remain hydrated and protected from potentially harmful external factors, it is necessary to opt for super delicate cleansers. Therefore, choose detergents that clean the skin but do not affect the hydrolipidic film that protects our skin, which is really essential, especially in winter.


Hydration is the key to soft and silky skin even in winter. However, moisturizing does not mean using products that are greasy or particularly nourishing. The choice of cream and serum must always depend on your skin type and its change during the winter. In the case of skin that reacts to the cold with excessive sebum production, applying a cream that is too rich could prove counterproductive. The general rule therefore remains to always observe your skin and its changes and adapt to the requests that are highlighted by our own skin.

If, on the other hand, your skin becomes particularly dry with frost, you can resort to moisturizing face masks. The advice is not to forget the (delicate) exfoliation of the skin in any case, therefore it is good to alternate an exfoliating mask with a moisturizing and nourishing one.

When we think about hydration, we often focus on the face and forget about a fundamental part: the lips. In cold weather, this important part of the face tends to dry out easily as it is protected only by a very thin layer of skin. The solution? Every evening, after the serum and the moisturizing cream, it is recommended to always apply a moisturizing and protective lip balm. During the day, then, if you feel the need for more hydration to the lips, you can opt for a simple cocoa butter to always carry with you and reapply even several times during the day.


The last step, but not least, of a perfect skincare routine for winter, consists in applying a product that guarantees skin protection even in winter. In fact, at this time of the year, we tend to think that ultraviolet rays do not represent a threat. In fact, in winter it is still important to protect yourself and do so especially from UVA rays which can cause premature skin aging. 

Concilium products are delicate and formulated to adapt to the needs of all skin types. Perfect for your winter skincare routine!

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