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Face spots: natural remedies to lighten them

Macchie viso: i rimedi naturali per schiarirle

Spots on the face are a very common skin blemish. The causes that cause its onset can be many, among these we undoubtedly find: 

  • excessive exposure to the sun or sun exposure in the absence of a form of protection from the sun's rays (sunscreen, bb cream with UVA-UVB filters, etc.) 

  • Acne that has left some annoying speck on the skin 

  • The passage of time and therefore the advancing age 

Since spots are very common among men and women of all ages, there are many brands that offer solutions designed to combat them. However, there are some natural remedies that can be put into practice at home easily, taking advantage of what we already have in our pantries or in any case without having to face excessive costs. 

Let's find out together what are the main remedies to use:

Lighten face spots with Aloe Vera 

Aloe Vera is a perfect remedy to counteract the spots caused by excessive or uncontrolled exposure to the sun. In this case, you can use a gel to be applied daily to the area to be treated. Alternatively, to speed up the process, you can create real Aloe Vera gel packs: in this case it will be enough to apply a large amount of gel and keep it in place for as long as possible. Once rinsed, the skin will be immediately more hydrated, soft and less "marked". 

Lighten face spots with Apple Vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar is also an excellent ally for lightening speckles. All you have to do in this case is apply it to the specific area to be treated and leave it on for about twenty minutes. Then rinse the residue with cold water and apply a moisturizer. 

Lighten face spots with Yogurt 

It may sound strange but yogurt is capable of exfoliating lightly. it is much more delicate than other acids and this makes it perfect for a quick and easy application at home. Also in this case it is possible to make simple compresses to leave on for a few minutes before rinsing. The result will undoubtedly be less reddened, smoother and more luminous skin.  

Lighten face spots with potatoes 

Potatoes have a strong lightening action. Preparing a mask to apply on the skin to lighten the spots is simple and fast: just grate a potato and add a teaspoon of honey, mix everything, and leave on for 15-20 minutes before proceeding with the rinsing of the face. 

Lighten facial blemishes with honey 

Honey is the perfect ingredient to counteract the spots on the face if your skin is delicate or sensitive. Honey brings a lot of benefits and in addition to lightening the spots, it also has the advantage of improving the complexion of the skin making it healthier and brighter. Honey can be mixed with yogurt to create a perfect mask to apply on the areas to be treated. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse everything off with warm water.

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