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Facial peeling before and after: what results are obtained?

Peeling viso prima e dopo: quali risultati si ottengono?

The chemical peel is an effective solution for those who want to see their skin glow. The chemical peeling is in fact a treatment that allows the skin to be exfoliated in a controlled manner, through the use of products targeted for this purpose. 

In this article we find out more about peeling and what results you can expect from this truly wondrous solution! 

What is peeling?

Peeling is the exfoliation of the skin carried out using special products that have the ability to stimulate cell turnover, accelerating the skin renewal process. In addition to stimulating cell turnover, peeling is also able to stimulate the production of collagen, the main responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.   

The peeling is generally performed on the face, but can also be performed on the neck, décolleté and back of the hands. 

What results are obtained?

Peeling can be used to combat various skin imperfections with which we do not feel comfortable or which, more simply, we would like to get rid of. it is very useful in fact in case of oily skin, dilated pores, acne and acne scars. 

Peeling is also a perfect solution for advancing age and the desire to smooth out fine lines that over time make room on everyone's face. Even age-related spots can be combated through peeling. 

After the peeling, despite a more reddened skin, you will notice the first results immediately: the skin will immediately appear brighter, fresher and more compact (also thanks to the production of collagen we were talking about at the beginning of the article). It should be remembered that after the peeling, the skin will be particularly sensitive to the sun's rays for a few days. For this reason it is very important to avoid sun exposure during the hottest hours of the day or in the absence of a cream containing a sun protection factor.

Peeling o scrub?

The word scrub is often heard in conjunction with peeling. In fact, both cases are treatments that act by exfoliating the skin. While pursuing the same goal, however, these two treatments have substantial differences. 

The scrub: it is also called mechanical exfoliation and is carried out with products based on paste, cream or gel that are enriched with abrasive microgranules and moisturizing vegetable oils. In this case, the exfoliation will take place by massaging the product on the surface to be treated. 

This type of exfoliation is perfect for use on parts of the body that have a particularly thick layer of skin, such as the heels. In fact, there is no risk of being particularly aggressive on the skin. 

peeling: also called chemical exfoliation, takes this name because it is made with the use of acids and its action can be more or less strong based on the concentration of the substances contained in the product. 

Just like choosing the perfect moisturizer for your skin, it is also recommended to choose the type of exfoliation and its intensity based on your skin type. it is essential, in case of doubts or the need for further information, to always consult a dermatologist.

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