Cellulite or water retention: the differences

If there are unsightly marks on your legs that, while chatting with a friend, you defined as cellulite, know that you could be wrong. In fact, there is a substantial difference between cellulite and water retention. In this article we discover in a simple way what the main differences are.
Water retention
Water retention is, in short, a stagnation of liquids which causes an alteration of lymphatic and venous circulation. The result is a series of swellings that produce a highly unsightly result. The causes of water retention are often attributable to a wrong lifestyle: sedentary lifestyle and unbalanced diet.
To achieve excellent results it is often enough to change these bad habits and start moving more and eating more fruit and vegetables.
Cellulite, on the other hand, is an inflammation of the underlying adipose layer. This inflammation in turn leads to an increased number of fat cells or an enlargement of fat cells already present. All this translates into a change in the appearance of the connective tissue which therefore presents itself in an irregular manner and is called "orange peel" skin.
The initial inflammation is linked to water retention, or a stagnation of liquids.
Cellulite and water retention are one consequence of the other. The stagnation of liquids causes inflammation of the adipose tissues which in turn causes a change in the appearance of the tissues resulting in orange skin.
Cellulite and water retention: what to do?
The victims of these unsightly marks are almost exclusively women. So what to do if you notice the appearance of signs on your skin that indicate the presence of water retention or cellulite?
- improve nutrition
Salt in general is certainly not a good ally to combat orange peel. If taken in excessive quantities it can in fact promote water retention which, as we have seen, is the first step towards cellulite. Unlike what you might think, orange peel skin can also be caused by a diet excessively rich in sugars: sweets, sugary drinks, etc. In all these cases, the accumulation of toxins and liquids is guaranteed.
- keep moving
Even a simple walk is enough to counteract the accumulation of adipose tissue. In fact, aerobic movement stimulates circulation and therefore helps prevent or improve the appearance of orange peel skin.
- Stimulate circulation in alternative ways.
There are various aesthetic treatments that can help stimulate circulation and which therefore represent valid allies to always be combined with movement and a healthy diet.
our leggings are a valid ally capable of counteracting the discomfort that often occurs combined with swelling and the sense of heaviness typical of water retention. They can also help drain excess fluids and be particularly useful as a treatment to try just before an important occasion to immediately appear more deflated and fit, think for example of a wedding, a communion or an important birthday.