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How to protect the skin from the cold

Come proteggere la pelle dal freddo

Based on the external temperatures, our skin needs diversified and specific treatments.

With the change of season, protecting the skin becomes even more important because the health of our skin is put to the test.

Low temperatures, sudden changes, wind, but also smog and pollution weaken and make the skin more vulnerable, favoring the onset of skin problems. The cold, in fact, in addition to dryness and redness, contributes to premature aging, a loss of tone, elasticity and brightness.

This is why it is essential to anticipate, putting into practice some simple rules to protect the skin, especially when the climatic conditions become more severe. 

Let's find out what are some of the daily gestures to be performed and how to protect the skin from the cold to ensure a beautiful and healthy look even during the winter season.


How to protect the skin from the cold? Rule number one: Hydration

The first tip is definitely to moisturize the skin.
The face is the most delicate part of our body and as such it must be hydrated both day and night so that the protection is complete and efficient.
During the day, the application of the cream must aim at protection against atmospheric agents and the barrier effect to maintain the hydro-lipid balance of the skin; at night, however, the cream must have a calming and rebalancing effect and fight the effects of the aggressions suffered during the day.

The creams must be chosen according to the type of skin: very creamy and oily for dry skin, without added oils for oily skin, fluid for normal skin. An 'anti-aging' cream may be useful for mature skin.
Discover our day cream DAY BIOME and our night cream NIGHT BIOME DETOX for a skincare that will transform your skin, hydrating it deeply.


The right foods to protect the skin from the cold

It may seem trivial but it is not: choosing the right foods and drinks to consume in the cold season is the first step to keeping your body and skin hydrated for a long time. If during the summer it is recommended to drink a lot of water, in winter you can also drink hot drinks such as tea and herbal teas. As important for a good hydration of the body, as much as the drinks, are the foods we consume: citrus fruits should never be missing in your diet because they are rich in vitamins, as well as nuts and cereals (find out which foods are good for our skin in this article

Sunscreens even in winter to protect the skin from the cold

Even in winter it is essential to use sunscreen creams. 
These substances are able not only to protect against the action of UVB rays, which make tanning possible, but also from UVA, the main enemies of the skin. 

For this reason, even in this period of the year, the day cream should contain UVA filters with a factor of not less than 10. 

For those with fair skin, it is better to opt for full screen sunscreens (SPF 50 and more), those with normal or dark skin should still use creams with a protection factor of 10 to 30.

We recommend using the cream BBIOME SPF30, in addition to protecting you from solar radiation, it has an effective moisturizing and anti-aging action.


Finally, Exfoliate your skin!

Another very effective remedy to protect the skin from the cold during the winter season is certainly to exfoliate the skin very well, at least once a week. Making a gentle scrub, even better if you do it yourself with natural ingredients, is a necessary practice to obtain a deep cleansing of the skin which, in this way, regains brightness and softness. The scrub is the perfect treatment to make the skin smooth and hydrated, keeping the pores free from impurities and preventing it from drying out due to the cold temperatures of winter.

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