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Why does hair fall out? The benefits of blackcurrant

Perchè cadono i capelli? I benefici del ribes nero

Hair loss can be a season-related condition. However, how can we explain the fact that the most considerable period of fall occurs during the autumn period? What are the main benefits of blackcurrant on hair? Read on to find out the main cause of hair loss and what you can do to combat it.

Why does my hair fall out in Autumn?

The benefits of blackcurrant on hair

Why does my hair fall out in Autumn?

With the onset of Autumn, hair loss is a phenomenon that affects both men and women very frequently. If you fear that hair loss in this period could be a bad sign, you should know that it is actually a widespread and perfectly normal phenomenon in this period. But what causes greater hair loss?

1.Sun, salt and salt

First of all, we must remember that the autumn period always follows the summer period, that is, a period during which we tend to spend a lot of time in the sun and are exposed to wind and salt. All this does is weaken the hair and make it more susceptible to breakage.

2. Exposure to pollution after the summer break

In addition to the atmospheric phenomena typical of summer, our hair also suffers a lot from returning to the city, where air pollution is through the roof and our general conditions are typically high stress due to work and daily commitments.

3.Our hair like the fur of animals

Finally, there is also a scientific explanation for seasonal hair loss. Just like primitive mammals who tend to lose part of their coat due to moulting, we too tend to lose hair, and especially in the central portion of the head. In short, therefore, it would also be a form of inheritance deriving from primates.

The benefits of blackcurrant on hair

Soothing properties

Blackcurrant acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory, this characteristic makes it perfect for treating allergies and redness that may affect the skin. When these problems present themselves in a mild form, blackcurrant can perform real miracles, thanks to its hydrating and calming properties.

Strengthening action against hair loss

Blackcurrant helps combat hair loss thanks to its hydrating action. Precisely thanks to the hydration guaranteed at the follicular level, hair growth is stimulated and thus a general improvement in the state of well-being of the hair is achieved, which will be stronger and more resistant from the beginning.

So how can you combat hair loss, making it healthier and stronger?

You can try Micro Crystals scrub , scalp scrub treatment. Its natural ingredients such as blackcurrant and mineral granules, combined with ingredients specifically designed to enhance its effectiveness, will guarantee you clean skin for longer, keeping your skin hydrated. Your hair will grow like this, healthier and stronger than before!

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