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Skin redness: how to combat it with calendula

Arrossamento pelle: come contrastarlo con la calendula

If you suffer from skin that reddens easily, you're in the right place! Who has never noticed an annoying redness of the skin following hair removal, due to the wind and cold or after getting burned in the sun? If this happens to you often, from today onwards calendula will become a real ally for the well-being of your skin!

Let's see more about this plant and discover the benefits that make it perfect for combating skin redness.

What is calendula?

Skin redness: all the benefits of calendula

What is calendula?

Let's start from the meaning of his name. The word marigold comes from Latin. This plant flowers every 30 days, i.e. on the first day of each month. Its color is particularly bright and its scent irresistible. In addition to these characteristics, calendula has excellent properties for the body and the skin.

All the benefits of this plant have made it famous since ancient times. Protagonist of ancient Greek myths and legends, marigold was often used by healers who even recognized its extraordinary magical powers!

Skin redness: all the benefits of calendula

At least once in their life, everyone suffers from red skin. This happens especially in the case of particularly delicate skin. However, the causes of redness in general can be multiple: cold temperatures accompanied by wind, excessive exposure to the sun without adequate protection, hair removal and so on.

Let's discover the main benefits of calendula against skin redness.

Protection and prevention

calendula is a perfect natural remedy to protect even the most sensitive skin. In case of dry and chapped skin, calendula acts by creating a sort of protective barrier against external phenomena. In this way it prevents irritations and helps the healing of those already present. Applied before exposing yourself to the sun (and also following exposure) or before leaving the house in the cold, it guarantees all the necessary protection, suitable for the whole family.

Heals sunburn

If you have always used aloe vera for burns and abrasions, you should know that calendula is also perfect for speeding up the healing process, thanks to the content of carotenoids which stimulate tissue regeneration.

Plumps the skin

Especially when present in shock treatments such as face masks and very full-bodied creams, calendula immediately gives a beautiful filling and plumping effect. The skin will thus be softer to the touch and super elastic.

Fights acne and pimples

Often skin redness is linked to acne and other impurities. Calendula has excellent antimicrobial properties that prevent the formation of impurities and counteract the blemishes associated with them.

Are you looking for a quick and convenient remedy that will allow you to resolve frequent or occasional redness? Do you suffer from acne and frequent appearance of impurities? Balance Complex is our fabric mask that contains calendula oleolite which, thanks to the combined action with other ingredients, reverses the mechanism that leads to the formation of redness and imperfections, and gives a healthy and uniform complexion from the first application. Fall in love with the emollient and calming sensation of calendula!

Discover the product

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