Reactivate the microcirculation of the legs thanks to blueberry

The blueberry is in all respects a super fruit, that is, a food that represents, for our body, a real panacea, capable of bringing numerous benefits to our body. Detoxifying power, perfect for eye health and cholesterol, not everyone knows that blueberry is also an excellent ally for microcirculation.
Let's proceed in order and see what can lead to poor circulation in the legs and how blueberry can help you stimulate it again.
Leg circulation, water retention and cellulite
Blueberry: an ally for the reactivation of the microcirculation
How to prevent poor circulation with consequent skin blemishes?
Leg circulation, water retention and cellulite
If at the end of the day, you often feel your legs feel particularly heavy, they itch and they feel colder than other areas of your body, then you may be suffering from poor blood circulation. The one we are referring to in particular is the venous one. Inside our veins there are valves that allow the blood flow to proceed "downhill" or "uphill", proceeding in the correct direction, without going back. However, when the veins dilate due to a loss of elasticity of their walls, these valves are no longer able to carry out their task correctly. What happens at this point is that some of this blood will tend to stagnate and the cells will exude excess fluid.
Blueberry: an ally for the reactivation of the microcirculation
The blueberry, in particular, manages to significantly improve the situation in the case of legs that are swollen, heavy and with water retention, thanks to the stimulation of the microcirculation. To achieve this, the bilberry acts on the walls of the veins, improving their elasticity, thus preventing the release of liquids into the surrounding tissues. This explains how blueberry, and some other plants, can help achieve visible improvements in the feeling of well-being of the legs, and consequently, significantly improve their aesthetic appearance.
How to prevent poor circulation with consequent skin blemishes?
To improve microcirculation, thus allowing the legs and the whole body to benefit from it, a series of measures must be adopted, which are the same ones that allow you to have a healthy lifestyle:
- Healthy and balanced diet: a healthy and balanced diet will allow you not to consume an excessive quantity of salt which can cause further fluid stagnation.
- Avoid Stress: Stress causes the release of hormones such as cholesterol, which cause swelling in the hands and face, often present especially when waking up. This is why trying to limit the level of stress is essential for psycho-physical well-being.
- Periodic blueberry-based treatments: To counteract the stagnation of excess fluids, it is recommended to periodically resort to body treatments that help drain and deflate.
Party ready
Party Ready is the treatment designed to counteract localized fat deposits and give a wonderful immediate push up effect. These bandages contain some active ingredients that guarantee visible results after just 20-30 minutes of treatment. In fact, in addition to the presence of blueberry, it also contains other ingredients with a stimulating and draining action, such as ivy and pueraria extract.