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Abbronzatura: tutti i miti da sfatare

Tanning: all the myths to dispel

Everyone would like a healthy and golden complexion but there are still too many myths about the ...
Perché vengono le macchie sulla pelle?

Why do spots on the skin come?

During the summer we usually see the appearance of small spots on our skin. But why do they come?...
Qual è il mio tipo di pelle?

What is my skin type?

Would you like to find out what your skin type is? There are some indicators that can reveal your...
Cibi per l’abbronzatura: quali scegliere?

Foods for tanning: which ones to choose?

There are several foods that improve the tan and allow you to achieve the perfect complexion of t...
Creme viso uomo e donna: il mondo skincare diventa inclusivo

Face creams for men and women: the skincare world becomes inclusive

Until a few years ago, the skincare world was mainly associated with a female audience. In recent...
Profumi nelle creme: bene o male?

Perfumes in creams: good or bad?

Each of us has purchased body creams at least once in our life: regardless of any problems, it is...
Packaging in vetro: tutti i vantaggi

Glass packaging: all the advantages

There are many advantages of glass packaging: the choice of some materials over others can be eff...
Le materie prime nella cosmesi

Raw materials in cosmetics

In this article, we analyze the main raw materials that are used in the formulation of cosmetics, in order to make an informed choice of the right cosmetic for us.

5 consigli per contrastare la pelle secca

5 tips to combat dry skin

Skin tightening, annoying itchiness and fine lines in plain sight. Whether it's a stable condition or just a momentary one, let's see 5 useful tips to revive dry skin.