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Come avere una pelle luminosa?

How to have glowing skin?

Having glowing skin is a desire for many, and achieving this goal requires a holistic approach th...
3 Segreti per combattere gli effetti dello smog sulla pelle

3 Secrets to fight the effects of smog on the skin

Smog, a mixture of pollutants present in the air, has become an increasingly widespread problem ...
Perché l’olio di semi di lino fa bene ai capelli?

Why is flaxseed oil good for hair?

Flaxseed oil is a real beauty elixir for hair. Rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins and miner...
Gli effetti benefici del limone per la pelle

The beneficial effects of lemon for the skin

Lemon extract is one of the most loved ingredients in the world of cosmetics, and it's not diffi...
Gli effetti drenanti dell’ortica

The draining effects of nettle

Nettle, a perennial herbaceous plant widespread throughout the world, has been known since ancie...
Come idratare la pelle in inverno

How to hydrate your skin in winter

Winter is a difficult season for the skin. Colder temperatures and heated environments can lead ...
Saldi invernali 2024: i prodotti must-have per una beauty routine perfetta

Winter sales 2024: the must-have products for a perfect beauty routine

The 2024 winter sales have finally begun and that means only one thing: lots of shopping for fac...
3 prodotti drenanti che funzionano per davvero

3 draining products that really work

Water retention is a skin blemish that affects many women, regardless of age or weight. It manif...
Cene in famiglia: ecco come sopravvivere

Family dinners: here's how to survive

Christmas is upon us and, with it, the dreaded season of dinners and lunches with friends and re...
3 cose da chiedere a Natale

3 things to ask for at Christmas

Christmas is the perfect holiday for giving and receiving gifts. It's an opportunity to spend qua...
Gli step perfetti per una skincare routine efficace

The perfect steps for an effective skincare routine

The skincare routine is a set of actions that are carried out daily to take care of your skin. A...
Il Kit skincare perfetto per ogni tipo di imperfezione

The perfect skincare kit for every type of imperfection

Skin with imperfections is often characterized by excessive production of sebum, which can lead ...
Pro e contro della skincare coreana

Pros and cons of Korean skincare

Korean skincare, or K-beauty, is an approach to skin care that focuses on prevention rather than...
Calendario lunare capelli 2023: cos’è e perchè è utile conoscerlo?

Lunar hair calendar 2023: what is it and why is it useful to know it?

The lunar hair calendar is a method that is based on the position of the moon to determine the be...
Segreti autunnali per ridurre la caduta dei capelli

Autumn secrets to reduce hair loss

Autumn is the season of hair loss, a natural phenomenon that occurs every year. In fact, in this ...
Perchè in autunno si perdono capelli?

Why do you lose hair in autumn?

Autumn is a transition season in which behind the return of blankets and warm clothes, lies a ver...
Acido salicilico: quante volte a settimana?

Salicylic acid: how many times a week?

Salicylic acid is one of the most popular and versatile ingredients when it comes to skincare. Wi...
Beauty routine post estate

Post-summer beauty routine

Summer is a wonderful time, full of sun, fun and outdoor adventures. But while we enjoy the warm ...
Schiarire i capelli a casa: come fare e quali precauzioni seguire

Lightening your hair at home: how to do it and what precautions to follow

Obtaining bright highlights is a common desire for many, but achieving this goal is often associa...
Gonfiore alle gambe? Ecco cosa fare

Leg swelling? Here's what to do

Swollen and heavy legs can be caused by several factors, from a sedentary lifestyle to excessive ...
Scrub corpo fatto in casa

Homemade body scrub

Have you ever wanted glowing, soft and renewed skin without expense? The solution could be right...
Come combattere l’adipe localizzato?

How to fight localized fat?

The accumulation of fat in some specific areas of the body is often influenced by a combination o...
Drenare liquidi del corpo: 3 rimedi

Drain body fluids: 3 remedies

Getting rid of excess fluids is desired by all those who suffer from swollen and heavy legs, cell...
Pelle secca gambe: cause e rimedi

Dry skin on legs: causes and remedies

Dry skin is a problem that affects many people, and the legs are often one of the areas most pro...
Acconciature capelli lunghi

Long hair hairstyles

The positive sides of having long hair are that you can go crazy when it comes to hairstyles ! O...
Perché vengono i brufoli

Why do pimples come

Among the areas mainly affected by the appearance of pimples we find the face , the most visible...
Far crescere i capelli

Grow your hair

It has happened to everyone at least once in their life that they have cut their hair and immediately afterwards felt a sense of regret for the choice they had just made. What to do in these cases to make your hair grow as quickly as possible? In reality, there are small healthy habits that affect the health of the hair, as well as promoting faster lengthening. Obviously the results are not immediate, but just be consistent and these simple remedies will visibly help your hair return to how it was before.
Con la crema solare ci si abbronza?

Can you tan with sunscreen?

When we expose ourselves to the sun after applying sunscreen, with any level of protection, melan...
Gonfiore alle gambe: rimedi e cause

Leg swelling: remedies and causes

It is easy to understand if you suffer from swollen legs: the lower limbs are visibly swollen an...
Skincare: prima o dopo la doccia?

Skincare: before or after the shower?

Skincare is an essential aspect of our beauty routine, but knowing when and how to apply products...
Aloe sul viso: tutto quello che ti serve sapere  

Aloe on the face: everything you need to know

Aloe vera is a plant known for its beneficial properties on the skin, which is why it is often u...
Crema viso fai da te facilissima

Very easy DIY face cream

Our skin is exposed daily to various harmful factors such as pollution, UV rays and stress, which...
Lavare i capelli tutti i giorni: tutti i benefici del fieno greco

Wash your hair every day: all the benefits of fenugreek

Washing your hair is an essential part of our personal care routine. It makes us feel clean and ...
Pelle mista o grassa? La liquirizia è la soluzione che cercavi

Combination or oily skin? Licorice is the solution you were looking for

If you have combination or oily skin, you know how frustrating it can be to look for products and...
Abbronzatura perfetta: come l’olio di carota può migliorare e prolungare il tuo colorito

Perfect tan: How carrot oil can improve and prolong your complexion

Summer is finally here, and with it the opportunity to achieve a tanned and radiant complexion. H...
Ritenzione idrica gambe: cause e rimedi

Water retention in the legs: causes and remedies

Water retention is a common disorder that affects many people, especially women. One of the most ...