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Cosa distingue un prodotto antirughe da un prodotto che non lo è?

What distinguishes an anti-wrinkle product from a product that is not?

How do these types of creams actually work? In this article we reveal how to distinguish an anti-wrinkle product from all the others!

Rughe viso: come contrastarle durante la notte

Face wrinkles: how to fight them at night

The solutions to counteract the appearance of wrinkles are different, vlet's put together some gestures and tricks to fight these small imperfections even during the night!

Massaggio viso: quando e perché farlo

Face massage: when and why to do it

The benefits of facial massages are different, we discover in this article all the secrets on how to do it, when and why.

Le materie prime nella cosmesi

Raw materials in cosmetics

In this article, we analyze the main raw materials that are used in the formulation of cosmetics, in order to make an informed choice of the right cosmetic for us.

5 consigli per proteggere la pelle con il cambio stagione

5 tips to protect the skin with the change of season

Discover 5 good tips to follow to protect your skin during the change of season. Specifically, let's see what to do to protect it in the transition from the cold to the warmer season.

Gli ingredienti migliori per nutrire la pelle

The best ingredients to nourish the skin

The skin needs to be nourished and protected in the correct way, only in this way can it always have a healthy and radiant appearance. Here are some of the best ingredients to give our skin the nourishment it needs to always be radiant.

Cosa succede alla pelle se non ti strucchi prima di andare a dormire

What happens to your skin if you don't remove make-up before going to sleep

Here are some of the consequences for your skin if you keep forgetting to cleanse your face and remove any makeup residue before going to sleep.

Effetto seconda pelle: come creare una base leggera e idratante

Second skin effect: how to create a light and moisturizing base

As the warmer temperatures approach, it is necessary to introduce small precautions in your daily skincare routine. So here are some tips to make a light but still perfect and moisturizing make-up base.
Pelle idratata in 5 mosse

Hydrated skin in 5 steps

Keeping your skin well hydrated is the cornerstone of any beauty routine, whether your skin is dry, oily or combination.
Through proper hydration, in fact, it is possible to prevent various imperfections and skin aging.
Imperfezioni da mascherina: ecco come liberarsene velocemente

Mask imperfections: here's how to get rid of them quickly

Under the mask, the skin is severely tested by the heat and humidity caused by the breath. Let's see together what measures help our skin to counteract the onset of small mask imperfections.

Rughe viso: i rimedi della nonna

Face wrinkles: grandmother's remedies

A symbol of wisdom and of the passing of time, wrinkles have always been  a blemish that we try to fight in every way.

But is there any way to counter them?

Colorito spento? Mai più! Ecco come

Dull complexion? Never again! That's how

In winter, changes in temperature can stress the skin a lot, which in combination with other aggressive factors such as wind or smog, could turn off the complexion of our complexion. 

How can we prevent this from happening?

Come proteggere la pelle dal freddo

How to protect the skin from the cold

With the change of season, protecting the skin becomes even more important because the health of our skin is put to the test.
BB Cream: che cos’è e quando sceglierla

BB Cream: what it is and when to choose it

The name BB cream stands for Blemish Balm Cream, or beauty balm for imperfections. Her formulation designed to perform three different actions at the same time: coverage, hydration and protection. 

3 regole per una corretta detersione del viso

3 rules for a correct facial cleansing

T.However, all that you hear and read about cleansing can discourage many people from taking proper care of their skin. Let's simplify it as much as possible and see three simple rules to follow for a correct facial cleansing.
Crema Giorno e Crema Notte: quali sono le differenze?

Day Cream and Night Cream: what are the differences?

Our skin acts in very different ways during the day and during the night. Therefore, day and night creams have differences, and are made taking into account the different needs that afflict our skin throughout the day. 

Quale crema applicare prima del trucco?

Which cream to apply before makeup?

The face cream is the absolute protagonist of a flawless face base. However, figuring out which one to choose is not always easy. Let's see together what characteristics the ideal day cream should have!

3 maschere per il contorno occhi efficaci e fai da te

3 effective DIY eye contour masks

Long days in front of the computer, television and smartphone. If you recognize yourself in this situation, your eye area is probably put to the test. Blue lights can in fact be harmful to the skin, especially in the most delicate areas of the face.
In quale ordine eseguire i passaggi della skincare?

In what order to perform the skincare steps?

On the market there are now all kinds of products for a complete skincare routine. Sometimes, how...
I cibi amici della nostra pelle

Foods that are friendly to our skin

Adopting a healthy diet is essential not only for the well-being of our body but also of our skin. Don't forget that finding the right balance is important to being healthy and looking beautiful!
Come trattare una pelle mista?

How to treat combination skin?

A combination skin is a very particular type of skin that presents and alternates very dry areas with other very oily ones. Let's see together three very useful actions to treat combination skin in an optimal way.
Pelle Grassa: Mai più Sebo in eccesso

Oily Skin: No more excess Sebum

Oily skin can be very annoying. It is a type of skin that shines quickly, leaving an unpleasant sensation on the face. From the use of gentle cleansers to the application of normalizing sebum creams, let's see together what you can do to take care of your oily skin
5 consigli per contrastare la pelle secca

5 tips to combat dry skin

Skin tightening, annoying itchiness and fine lines in plain sight. Whether it's a stable condition or just a momentary one, let's see 5 useful tips to revive dry skin.